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TNT Youth Conference 2017

June 6-11, 2017 at Lee College in Baytown, Texas

Attend the Conference
Pay Now Performers

You're Invited!

We are again attending the TNT Youth Conference this year. You are invited to go with us and take advantage of all the conference has to offer, with or without performing. Our students enjoyed a wonderful experience last year, and we are sure to enjoy it again.

More info on their website and a picture of our show is featured there!
What is the TNT Youth Conference?

The TNT Youth Conference is a four to six-day event, generally at the beginning to middle of June, celebrating young people’s involvement in the performing arts. The location changes each year, based on the availability of a local theatre host. Individual students and adults, members of Youth Companies with their adult directors and chaperones - all are welcome to attend. Attendance numbers in the past few years have ranged from 275 to over 400. The official kickoff is on Thursday afternoon (rehearsals for performing companies begin on Tuesday or Wednesday) with performances in the afternoon and evening. On Friday and Saturday mornings, students rotate among a series of workshops designed specifically for them. In the afternoons and evenings, there are more performances. On Sunday morning, there is an Awards event, recognizing all of the performing companies and announcing the All Star Cast and other awards. Registration for the Youth Conference is open to anyone (you do not have to be a company member to register) and includes all workshops, social events, performances and the Sunday Awards Event.

Workshops: Young people from all across Texas who are interested in the performing arts - particularly theatre - come together to attend workshops ranging from Improvisation to Hip Hop, Stage Makeup to Audition Techniques. The students are broken up into similar age groups, then rotate among 6 workshops, each of which lasts about 1 hour. Workshop are taught by professional theatre artists. 

Performances: Up to 18 companies can be accommodated to perform at the Youth Conference, bringing their own show to be performed for the other conferees and the general public, with tickets available for purchase at the box office before each show. Each of the shows receives feedback from a qualified Commentator, adding to the educational value of the showcases. Previous productions have included Into the Woods, John Lennon & Me, The Seussification of Romeo and Juliet. . . it runs the gamut from published plays and musicals to original works authored by the company members. 

Social Events: Each year, the host company provides social events to encourage networking and camaraderie among the young people in attendance. A pizza party, an ice cream social, a black-light dance, a karaoke night - whatever the hosts can imagine!


Attendance at the conference is available to all students and parents, whether attending Upstage Arts or not. 


PARENTS: You do not need to attend the conference to see the shows. Tickets will be available day of show for about $15. More details to follow as we get closer to the conference date.


You are welcome to attend the conference without performing. To attend the conference without performing, please complete the registration form to the left, and pay the conference fee below left. Fee includes conference registration and Upstage Arts t-shirts to strut our stuff. An additional meal package is available so you can easily eat there without leaving campus.


Attend The Conference Fee: $125


Conference Registration and all workshops, social events, performances and the Sunday Awards Event

Performances at the convention

Upstage Arts T-Shirts for all days ($60 value)

An additional meal plan is available for $40


If you are interested in performing with us, please see below:

Calling all Competitors!


We need you to help Upstage Arts show off their stuff at the TnT conference this June. We had a fabulous time last year, and are auditioning actors who are committed to creating a powerful performance again. This will be an intense, but rewarding experience.


If you are interested in joining the team that will represent Upstage Arts, then mark your calendar and come out and audition. We will pick our show based on the actors available. If you make the team, you will be given a role that completely suits you. Be prepared to become a better actor through this process.


Registration is absolutely due by March 17, 2017

Complete the form on the left and select "performer"!

You will be enrolled in both the conference and the performance.


Auditions TBD

Please prepare a dramatic monologue for the audition and be prepared for cold reading



Shelley Brownfield

Tabitha Van Buren

Susannah Holmes


Ages 11 and up or by invitation.

Commitment to this event includes Student and Parent participation. Carpools may be arranged to Baytown. Parents will have to agree to help with any sets/costumes/etc that need to be done to be successful.



Tuesdays, April 11-June 6 from  5 till 8 pm. 

Additional rehearsals TBD June 4 - 6 at the theater and in Baytown



TnT Conference and Competition- June 6 - 11, 2017

Performing students are expected to attend all 4 days


Cost: $300

Tuition Includes:


All rehearsals

Performance Revue at Upstage Arts

Performance at the conference

You must purchase the conference

attendance fee in addition to the performance.


Parents: We will have a free revue at Upstage Arts, and you can purchase tickets to the TNT Conference Performance on the day of the performance for about $15. You may also attend the conference as a participant or as a chaperone.



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